How to Help

For your kind consideration, we present some simple yet effective ways to help further NHME’s mission of preparing tomorrow’s leaders today through music excellence! Any assistance makes a difference and is greatly appreciated! Click the button below to read about the impact impresarios like you have had in the lives of our thankful musicians.


Julia, Avery, Elena

Busch's Fresh Food Market

Busch's Fresh Food Market

Shop at Busch's Market with your MyWay card, and NHME will benefit through their Community Giving program!  Sign-up for a MyWay Card here, or login to your MyWay account here.  NHME can be one of four organizations that your shopping supports.  Click the buttons below to learn more.  Also, don't forget to pick your supported organizations every year - thank you!

FAQ  About  How to Start

Kroger Grocery Stores

Kroger Community Rewards

Through the Kroger Community Rewards program, shopping at Kroger and swiping your Shopper's Card provides financial support to NHME every quarter!   Get started by creating a digital Kroger account here.  Or, attach your existing Shopper's Card to the rewards program at this link. Learn more about Kroger's reward program by clicking the buttons below.    Please remember to re-enroll into the program annually.  Once logged into a Kroger account, search for National Homeschool Music Ensembles either by name or by our NPO number: MN049.  Then, click Enroll - thanks! 

Learn More  FAQ  Info

Monetary Support

We're most grateful to any and all who provide financial gifts and grants to NHME — you're amazing! Because NHME is a tax-exempt, non-profit, and charitable corporation, all donations are tax deductible to the giver that itemizes their annual returns. Contact us if a donation receipt (or Form 8283) is needed for your records. We’ll often take our donor’s generosity and pay it forward to families needing scholarship funding or financial aid in order to participate. Send us a message if we know of a family that could benefit in this way. Click the button below to make an easy, online contribution; or find our donation drums at performance events and plop some currency inside — thanks for your support!

In-Kind Gifts

Andrew, Michael, Tessa

As a licensed, charitable corporation, NHME gratefully accepts “in-kind” gifts of supplies, materials, and assorted sundries to keep us going. From copier toner, to paper towels, to hand soap, and to even bathroom tissue, thanks for helping us out with all the other stuff needed to keep going! One of the more significant hurdles to overcome by new musicians and their families is getting suitable instruments into the hands of their beginning musicians. Instruments no longer in use and even instruments in disrepair can be very cost-effective solutions for our member families. We can often get a broken down, older instrument into playing condition with an inexpensive overhaul at the fraction of the cost to purchasing a new instrument. Donated instruments are truly invaluable blessings! In fact, the instruments many of our beginners are using were gifts that alumni gave to the group upon graduation – thanks, alumni! Bring an instrument donation to any rehearsal, or give us a call to arrange a pick-up. What a wonderful way to further the cause of music education in our community!


*P.S. I’m afraid we’re all full on pianos – we’ve got no more room until we can get the older ones out! Thank you for considering us to be worthy recipients of your fine instruments and for your kind generosity!


Alex, Ms. Stephanie, Lissette, & Isabel

There are many opportunities to roll up our sleeves and lend a hand at NHME! Come concert time, just jump right in and help us load up the truck. That’s always an all hands evolution, and the more merry hands we have, the lighter the load! Also at concert, Dave usually recruits a few willing participants to serve as hall monitors and even stagehands. It’s not hard, and it’s fun! Day to day, there’s always a task to accomplish like emptying rubbish bins or filing sheetmusic. Volunteers regularly help with building repair projects, providing refreshments at events, video recording, and even photography. There’s something for everyone! Ever thought about serving on the steering committee or on the board of a nonprofit? Become an at-large director or fulfill one of the officer roles for NHME – you can do it! Consider playing or singing in one of the ensembles. Even as a first-time beginner, elder siblings and parental adults lend a wealth of mature experiences and perspectives beneficial to the ensembles. Not only is learning music together with the youngsters enjoyable, but participating also helps to model good behavior and discipline (most of the time!). We couldn’t manage all this without the thoughtful and caring assistance of our many volunteers – thanks!


On behalf of all of our student musicians both young and old, thank you for helping to make NHME a positive influence in our community! We strive to be the very best stewards of all the resources entrusted into our care, and we commit to using all gifts to the betterment of our programs and people. We’ll sock some monies away into our building improvement fund, stash some into our rainy-day, instrument repair bank, and save some sums for instrument replacement purchases down the road. We’ll aquire interesting, new music to learn each year, and use gifted reams of paper for concert flyers and newsletters. We’re very much obliged for all that our contributors and volunteers do for us both big and small; we couldn’t accomplish our goals and aspirations without their gracious assistance and steadfast support – thanks!

**P.P.S. has discontinued the AmazonSmile program. We’ve been a grateful beneficiary of AmazonSmile since its inception. Thanks for your participation in the endeavor!


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